Policies And Procedures
The West Midlands Combined Authority reviews it policies and procedures on an ongoing basis.to ensure they remain compliant and fit for purpose. We offer a number of internal policies to ensure that we are conducting business in an ethical and transparent manner. These include:
Modern Slavery Policy
This policy states the WMCA’s approach to modern slavery and human trafficking. It offers guidance to employees on what they should do if they suspect modern slavery is taking place.
Whistleblowing Policy
WMCA thoroughly encourages all its employees, customers and other business partners to speak out if they are aware of, or suspect, any wrongdoing or misconduct within the organisation. This includes any circumstances which may give rise to an enhanced risk of slavery or human trafficking. The Combined Authority is committed to creating a culture where individuals can disclose without fear of retaliation.
Safeguarding Policy
WMCA recognises its responsibility to develop, implement and monitor policies and procedures to safeguard the welfare of children and vulnerable adults. We have a comprehensive Safeguarding Policy which all employees are expected to read as part of their induction into the organisation.
Recruitment Policy
The Combined Authority has a clear recruitment and selection procedure that is fair and transparent. We have in place strict procedures for vetting new employees, which ensures they are able to confirm their identities, qualifications and right to work in the UK.
Social Value Policy
WMCA has an effective procurement approach that enables social value outcomes for communities locally and across the region. The set of objectives outlined in the WMCA Social Value Policy provide a means of embedding and sustaining social value outcomes through alignment and delivery of funding and capacity.
Domestic Abuse Policy
The Combined Authority recognises that domestic abuse can happen to anyone, the policy addresses domestic abuse including forced marriage and ‘honour’ based violence.
Equal Opportunities Policy
WMCA is committed to ensuring that no employee is subject to less favourable treatment on the grounds of age, ethnicity, sex, pregnancy and maternity, disability, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation, gender reassignment, or belief.
Job Evaluation Scheme
WMCA operates a Job Evaluation Scheme to ensure all employees are paid fairly in line with their job roles. WMCA currently pays above the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage for all its employees.
Agency Staff
All WMCA agency workers are sourced from a reputable recruitment agency. This company is compliant with the Modern Slavery Act 2015 and produces an annual Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement.