Monitoring and reviewing the scheme
We will develop ways to measure how well we are achieving the action plan. The WMCA Senior Leadership Team will monitor this and will come up with new actions where necessary. We will monitor how well we’re doing and report on this every year. The Audit Risk Committee and the Combined Authority Board will see these reports and will help to make sure we are making progress
We will fully review the Equality Scheme every three years. The next version will be due in January 2025. But equalities is a constantly changing field, and we don’t need to wait until the full review in 2024 to think about whether any changes are needed. The Scheme should be a living document. It will always be open to improvement. You are welcome to make comments or suggestions and give us advice on our
equalities work at any time, and we will update the Scheme in response if we need to.
The Scheme is publicly available on the WMCA website and to staff on our intranet site.